​We examine your monthly SSI% data and determine which cost reporting periods would benefit from a Medicare SSI% Redetermination and which would not. Recalculate your Medicare SSI% with Guaranteed Results.
Our Retrospective Medicaid and Medicare Zero Factor Reviews are the only programs in the Country that can guarantee you positive bottom line results with zero downside risk and no out of pocket costs.
​Our projects integrate revenue cycle, medical group operations, coding, compliance, reimbursement and physician training expertise to achieve the maximum bottom line results for any revenue enhancement program.
We offer specialized accounts receivable purchase funding and/or flexible, asset-based loans at highly competitive rates with our working capital, acquisitions, and accounts receivable financing programs to provide the best solution.
Our vast knowledge base, available capital funding and experience allows us to provide you with the proper resources and expertise to advise, consult, market, and/or partner on your next Medical Tourism venture.